Dear Sirs,
please allow us to offer to your attention the general information about the activities of our enterprise, Agency "JaroMax" Ltd.
Agency "JaroMax" Ltd. is actively working in the field of industrial heat and power engineering. Our target audience is end users of the first class boiler and heat-exchange equipment, as well as machine-building, engineering, design and research organizations interested in implementing projects using the cutting edge technologies aimed at increasing productivity of the enterprise with simultaneous reduction of operational expenses. Despite the considerable investment cost of the proposed solutions our clients set their priorities in favour of the complex approach for intensive development (as opposed to extensive one) and in favour of the minimum power and fuel consumption without any environmental damage.
We realize your problems with allocations on gas, with cost of connection to energy networks, with the growing prices of energy carriers, with expenses for environmental protection activities, service and repair of the equipment.
We do not just sell certain modern equipment. In our understanding the term "modern boiler" is equally abstract and senseless. We offer innovative solutions with application of environmentally friendly effective and economical technologies. Innovation, efficiency, profitability or safety of our technologies have clear evaluation criteria and are measured in millimetres, cubic metres, kilograms, grades, percents and other generally acknowledged units. Our solutions are embodied in the first class equipment from the leading European manufacturers, each of them having a broadest assortment of products and services and occupying the leading position in the market.
The activities of our Agency integrate work of several enterprises in Russia, Germany and Austria, engaged in the field of industrial design and manufacture of individual machines and package plants as well as special heat-and-power equipment. Together with our partners we develop an individual concept aimed at satisfying specific requirements of every particular client.
During planning, designing, selecting, installing and operating of the plants our customers benefit not only in price, but also in terms. Our clients win even in case of delivery of the machines within the framework of a complex order for the whole production line from the general supplier, since they have possibility to discuss immediately issues of design and equipment of this line in the part of heat and power engineering.
The decisive advantage of our clients is the opportunity of having a direct dialogue with designers of the proposed technology, who both own an invaluable know-how and have considerable resources for designing a package plant, for manufacturing its basic components and as a whole for successful implementation of the project.
We provide every possible support to clients and partners at all stages of work: starting with the feasibility study, including conclusion of the relevant contracts and immediate execution of the order, and finishing with the organization of the after-sales service.
Our Agency does not change partners and works with them on exclusive conditions. In other words, we rely on long-term experience and spotless reputation of our main suppliers, we do not seek the low price and we do not offer "analogous" equipment from competing companies . And they pay back in kind. The right of choice remains with the buyer.
We do not install the trading markup in principle. Our reward is included in the wholesale price of the goods established by the manufacturer for the current period. It enables our Agency to create its own network of regional and branch dealers as agreed with the partners and to offer them competitive conditions and prices for more operative work both with existing and new clients. Cooperation with dealers is applied first of all to retail of standard equipment and spare parts, as well as to rendering engineering, start-up and after-sale services. Now we are searching for dealers to work in the North-West, Urals, Siberian and Far-East regions of Russia.
Our Agency guarantees full synergy in relations between the customer and the supplier due to the thorough understanding of the task in view and, which is especially important, the specificity of the branch application of equipment, which is strongly sought for practically in all industrial regions.
Fields of our activities:
= Pulp and paper industry |
= Wood based panel industry |
= Plywood production |
= Sawmill industry and woodworking |
= Fuel biomass production |
= Biogas and bioethanol production |
= Petroleum-refining industry |
= Extraction and piping of hydrocarbons |
= Production of mineral oils |
= Basic chemistry and petrochemistry |
= Plastics and rubber production |
= Production of other polymers |
= Pharmaceutical industry |
= Paint and varnish industry |
= Adhesives and resin production |
= Soap and detergent production |
= Polycrystalline silicon production |
= Chemical fibre industry |
= Production of nonwoven materials |
= Textile industry |
= Production of floor coverings |
= Production of latex items |
= Production of industrial rubber articles |
= Shoe making |
= Starch and flour production |
= Production of food concentrates |
= Production of baked goods |
= Chips and snacks production |
= Production of meat and fish goods |
= Production of other foodstuff |
= Production of flexible packaging materials |
= Printing industry |
= Production of asphalt and bitumens |
= Production of porous concrete |
= Cement industry |
= Processing of nonmetallic minerals |
= Aluminium oxide production |
= Aluminium industry |
= Processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals |
= Processing of rare-earth metals |
= Electroplating and electrochemistry |
= Production of electroinsulating materials |
= Automotive industry |
= Manufacturing of machines and industrial plants |
= Aircraft industry |
= Ship-building industry |
= Thermal oxidation of waste gases |
= Residual heat recovery |
= Heating of industrial enterprises |
= Combined heat and power generation |
= Solar power engineering |
= Geothermal power engineering |
= Biopower engineering |
= Alternative power engineering |
= Science, research and innovations
= Engineering and designing
We specialize in energy supply for universal technological processes characteristic for many branches of industry.
We offer reasonable solutions for different technological processes:
= Washing
= Steaming
= Digesting
= Preheating
= Drying
= Conditioning
= Cooling
= Deep cooling
= Freezing
= Impregnating
= Printing
= Stamping
= Pressing
= Gluing
= Calendering
= Extruding
= Laminating
= Ironing
= Distillating
= Nutsch-Filtering
= Formulating
= Mixing
= Masticating
= Evaporating
= Polycondensation
= Polymerization
= Vulcanization
= Smoking
= Frying
= Baking
= Melting
= Gasification
= Condensation
= Oxidation
= Electroplating
= Electrolysing
= Energy generation
= Energy conversion
= Energy transmission
We offer both individual units of equipment and complex heat and power solutions in the field of industrial design and delivery of equipment.
Our scope of supply:
- Industrial electric heaters, thermostats and secondary control circuits
- Monofluid plants with heaters, coolers and chillers
- Electrically or hot oil heated boilers, steam generators and reboilers
- Traditional boiler plants and heat generators with thermal oil heaters, hot water or steam boilers fired with all gaseous and liquid fuels
- Vibrostable boilers in marine design fired with admiralty fuel oils
- Solid fuel fired recovery boilers with all heat transfer media
- Off-gas heated recovery boilers behind turbines, thermoreactors and marine engines
- Combined hot gas generators and energy plants fired with biomasses
- Incineration power plants for utilization of biogenic and anthropogenic wastes
- Thermal, regenerative or catalytic incineration plants for gaseous and liquid organic impurities
- CHP-centres fired with fossil or alternative fuels on the basis of traditional steam-power plants with condensing or extraction turbines (with controlled steam extraction or with back-pressure)
- CHP-miniplants on the basis of steam boilers and reciprocating steam engines or screw steam engines
- CHP-miniplants on the basis of thermal oil heat generators and ORC-turbogenerators
- ORC-modules for geothermal, solar or biomass heat and power cogeneration
- Integrated exhaust-heat recovery systems
- Single components of energy systems and heat exchangers
- Barrel-type or meander-type coils for thermal oil heaters
- Special heating surfaces for fluid waste-heat recovery systems
- Reciprocating grates with air or water cooling
- Multifuel (combined) burner plants with dust nozzles
- Economizers, air preheaters, air coolers and other recuperators
- Steel or cast-iron plate-type heat exchangers
- Tubular heat exchangers with steel, cast-iron or glass tubes
- Compact circulating pump groups for organic heat transfer fluids
- Thermostating circuits for the temperature control of coolants
- Vessels and tanks for high-temperature organic coolants
- Make-to-order foundry products
- Special heat-insulating and temperature-resistant lining materials
- Spare parts and replacement component units
- Heat transfer oils, diphenyl mixtures and organic monofluids (polyglycols, antifreeze agents, silicone oils or benzene coolants)
Our equipment can operate with application of any energy carriers available at your enterprise, in the range of above- and below-zero temperatures, and with application of any standard (according to GOST or DIN), non-standard or alternative kinds of fuel.
Main fuels and energy carriers for using in our systems:
- Gaseous fuels:
- Natural gas
- Liquefied natural gas or propane-butane
- Power gas
- Furnace or flue gas
- Hot exhaust gas
- Biogas
- Liquid fuels:
- Light motor fuel (diesel-fuel oil)
- Heavy motor fuel (admiralty fuel oil)
- Domestic stove fuel
- Medium-viscosity oil (mazut 40)
- High-viscosity oil (mazut 100)
- Bioethanol, biodiesel
- Solid fossil fuels:
- Peat
- Lignite
- Brown coal
- Black coal
- Wooden fuels:
- Roots of trees, butts, branches, limbs, tips, bark
- Other green wastes of the logging industry
- Timber wastes from the log bucking
- Wet cuttings, shawings, slivers and flakes
- Other wood wastes of the sawmill industry
- Wet bark, hogged chips and pencils from the wood peeling
- Torn veneer and sanding dust
- Other wood wastes from the plywood production
- Dry and wet bark, chips, sawdust, granules
- Residues from the cutting of chipboards, fibreboards and other wood-based panels
- Chip screenings, fibre siftings and wood dust
- Other rejects from the wood panel production
- Trimmings of lacquered or surfaced panels
- Residues of edge plastics, laminated papers and films
- Other wastes from the furniture production
- Farm waste:
- Straw and husks of grain crops
- Husks of sunflower seeds
- Hulls of rice and cocoa beans
- Cods of podded plants
- Olive kernels and nutshells
- Ear shanks and husks
- Dried beer grains and distillery dregs (slops)
- Bagasse (residues of myar cane and sugar beet)
- Elephant grass and palm tailings
- Canes and shucks of cotton plants
- Beet or potato halms
- Other residues of vegetables and fruits
- Alternative biogenic fuels:
- Sorted garbage, trash and junk
- Fuel substitutes (clump, fluff, pellets)
- Car tires and wheel treads
- Old window frames, doorsets and furniture
- Wood scrap and rigips (gypsum plasterboards)
- Tar boards and asphalt paper
- Used crossties, pales, mast and poles
- Waste paper, rags and packing materials
- Sewage water mud, sludge and foaming products
- Other domestic and industrial wastes
- Accompanying energy carriers, which are used in existing processes:
- Electricity
- Hot water steam
- Superheated water
- Hot thermal oil
- Cooling water
- Pickles (saline solutions)
- Liquid nitrogen
Agency "JaroMax" offers complex solutions for provision of the most diverse technological processes with heat or cold by using both indirect and direct heat- or cold-transfer agents in liquid or gaseous phase.
For each process we select a certain optimal working medium:
- Water is widely used in the temperature range from +10°C to +150°C.
- Saturated water steam is generally used in the temperature range from +150°C to +200°C.
- For the temperature range from +200°C to +400°C we recommend organic high-temperature fluids, including the so called thermal oils, silicone oils and diphenyl mixtures in liquid or vapour phase with a minimum operating pressure.
- For the temperature range from +400°C to +550°C we recommend also salt melts (eutectic mixtures of alkali metal salts: potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate / sodium nitrite) in liquid phase with a minimum operating pressure, alongside with direct electric heating.
- But should a process (e.g. power generation with high-efficiency turbogenerators) demand high pressure in the temperature range from +200°C to +550°C, we recommend superheated water steam.
- Alkali metals (sodium and potassium and also alloys of both metals) as well as hot gases are preferred as heat transfer media for the temperatures above +550°C.
- For special processes in the temperature range from -100°C to +300°C we recommend organic low-temperature monofluids and glycols as well as silicone oils and benzene coolants in liquid or vapour phase with a minimum operating pressure.
Depending on the selected fluid and with account of additional criteria our specialists recommend a reasonable solution from the point of view of efficiency, cost effectiveness and safety.
We offer alternative solutions on the basis of heat transfer fluids:
Name of the working medium
Min. operat. temperature
Max. operat. temperature
Max. operat. overpressure
Fluid group*
Warm water
0,70 bar
Hot water or superheated water
20,0 bar
2 / 3
Saturated water steam
32,0 bar
2 / 3
Superheated water steam SWS-I
30,0 bar
2 / 3
Superheated water steam SWS-II
100,0 bar
3 / 4
Mineral based oils OHTF-I
0,10 bar
Mineral based oils OHTF-II
0,20 bar
1 / 2
Synthetic oils OHTF-III
10,0 bar
1 / 2
Synthetic oils OHTF-IV
15,0 bar
1 / 2
Diphenyl mixtures (liquid / gaseous)
12,0 bar
Silicone oils PDMS-I
14,0 bar
Eutectic salt melts
0,10 bar
On the basis of freezing, cooling and heating monofluids we have another alternatives:
Name of the working medium
Min. operat. temperature
Max. operat. temperature
Max. operat. overpressure
Fluid group*
Cold or warm water
0,00 bar
Antifreezes and glycols
2,00 bar
Silicone oils PDMS-II
5,00 bar
1 / 2
Organic coolants ONTF-I
6,00 bar
1 / 2
Organic coolants ONTF-II
11,0 bar
1 / 2
Benzene coolants (liquid / gaseous)
15,0 bar
Please note:
* The fluid group is defined on the maximum operating temperature of the fluid relative to the saturation point at the overpressure Рgage ≤ 0,07 MPa.
You can hardly find such a wide assortment and variety of products as we have anywhere else, let alone the options, i.e. completing the basic equipment with additional accessories for maximum automation and improving its operational parametres, such as: productivity, efficiency, affordability, safety and ecological compatibility.
Agency "JaroMax" Ltd. offers heat and power equipment of the most diverse design for a wide capacity range (kind of fuel / energy carrier, depending on the customer’s possibilities and the working medium, depending on the technological assignment). Besides the plants made under an individual order our program of supply also includes standardized equipment manufactured serially according to prototypes. Such equipment naturally has serial certificates of conformity and permissions for industrial application.
When solving questions of supplementary completion, service or modernization of your heat and power systems Agency "JaroMax" offers engineering support with subsequent delivery of process heat equipment or special peripheral facilities as well as spare parts or accessories for boiler plants and heat-exchanger systems. Boilers, heat exchangers, vessels, pumps, burners and valves are our profile!
To receive more detailed informations on our possibilities and technologies please contact specialists of the Agency "JaroMax" at any time. We will be glad to answer your questions and to give you branch reference sheets for the most interesting projects in which we participated. By agreement we are also ready to give a corporate presentation or a practical workshop for your company or the group of your enterprises.
We invite all interested persons to a long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.
With best regards
Agency "JaroMax" Ltd.
Managing Director Vladimir Danilov